Arri-news 2014
Following a successful demonstration, 99 ARRI L7-C lights were ordered for the new studio, with the installation planned and supervised by Medientechnik Duwe. L-Series lampheads were chosen because they offer the familiar feel of a traditional Fresnel, but with the versatility and power savings of a fully tuneable LED fixture. There is no change in color temperature when the L7s are dimmed, and their true Fresnel characteristics allow the news presenters to be lit flatteringly and precisely, without any spill light falling on the media wall. Tagesschau’s desired color temperature of 6,000 K falls easily within the 2,800 K to 10,000 K range of the L7-C. Compared to the old studio with its tungsten lighting, the new ARRI L-Series units facilitate a power saving of approximately 60%. In addition, maintenance costs are reduced by the fact that the estimated lifetime of the LED light engine is 50,000 hours, and unlike conventional lights, there is no need to change bulbs or color filters. ARRI NEWS 27
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