Arri-news 2011
The ARRISCAN film scanner continues to be adopted by high-end DI facilities all over the world, with recent sales in China, Europe, North America, South America and India. It is increasingly being used to digitize not just new films, but also the oldest and most delicate film materials that exist. Like many other major film collections, Filmoteka Narodowa - the Polish National Film Archive - has invested in ARRISCAN archive technologies to restore and preserve its historic film materials. After a rigorous testing process, the archive purchased a 4K ARRISCAN with Wet Gate, Archive Gate and Sprocketless Transport. It also opted for a 4K ARRILASER2 High Speed with ARRICUBE Creator, for recording digitally restored images back out to film. ARRISCAN archive tools give new life to a forgotten classic A WINDOW TO HISTORY 8 ARRI NEWS
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