Arri-news 2011
THE PERFECT PORTRAIT LENS Introducing the new ARRI Master Prime 135 ARRI’s continuous dialogue with cinematographers, operators and directors has revealed demand for a new Master Prime with a focal length of 135 mm. This is the ideal portrait lens for many situations, fitting nicely between the Master Prime 100 and 150; it brings the Master Prime set up to an astounding 16 focal lengths. Discussions with both cinematographers and photographers identified four crucial criteria for a perfect portrait lens: the right focal length, high image quality, shallow depth of field and the ability to get close to the subject. A focal length of 135 mm is long enough to separate a subject from the foreground and background, but not at the expense of a pleasing, three-dimensional perspective. Like the rest of the Master Prime range, the 135 mm produces a high resolution, high contrast image with very low flares and veiling glare: a clean starting point from which the cinematographer can shape and sculpt the image through lighting, filters or digital manipulations during the DI grade. It also shares the same lens markings and 114 mm front diameter as other Master Primes, allowing the use of the same matte box and making lens switching fast and easy. The widest aperture of T1.3 and the Master Primes’ unique ability to maintain their high image quality even wide open allow for an extremely shallow depth of field when desired. Depth of field is a creative tool that can be used to control the level of separation between the subject and its surroundings. Last but not least, to facilitate close-ups, the Master Prime 135 has been designed with a close focus distance of 0.95 m (37”), retaining its high image quality even at this close range. MP 135 shot taken by Tom Faehrmann, BVK MP 135 shot taken by Gavin Finney, BSC MP 135 shot taken by Fred Elmes, ASC 16 mm 18 mm 21mm 25 mm 27 mm 32 mm 14 mm 12 mm 100 mm 50 mm 65 mm 75 mm 135 mm 150 mm 40 mm 35 mm 28 ARRI NEWS
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